Run this command to regenerate reference (ground truth) images:
BLENDER_TEST_UPDATE=1 ctest -R storm_hydra
This then happens for new and failing tests; reference images of passing test cases will not be updated. Be sure to commit the new reference images to the SVN repository afterwards.
Name | New | Reference | Diff Color | Diff Alpha |
anisotropic ashikhmin bsdf VERIFY |
anisotropic ashikhmin rough bsdf VERIFY |
anisotropic beckmann bsdf VERIFY |
anisotropic beckmann rough bsdf VERIFY |
anisotropic ggx bsdf VERIFY |
anisotropic ggx rough bsdf VERIFY |
diffuse bsdf VERIFY |
glass beckmann bsdf VERIFY |
glass beckmann rough bsdf VERIFY |
glass ggx bsdf VERIFY |
glass ggx rough bsdf VERIFY |
glass sharp bsdf VERIFY |
glossy ashikhmin bsdf VERIFY |
glossy ashikhmin rough bsdf VERIFY |
glossy beckmann bsdf VERIFY |
glossy beckmann rough bsdf VERIFY |
glossy ggx bsdf VERIFY |
glossy ggx rough bsdf VERIFY |
glossy multiscatter ggx bsdf VERIFY |
glossy multiscatter ggx rough bsdf VERIFY |
glossy roughness texture bsdf VERIFY |
glossy sharp bsdf VERIFY |
refraction beckmann bsdf VERIFY |
refraction beckmann rough bsdf VERIFY |
refraction ggx bsdf VERIFY |
refraction ggx rough bsdf VERIFY |
refraction sharp bsdf VERIFY |
toon diffuse bsdf VERIFY |
toon glossy bsdf VERIFY |
translucent bsdf VERIFY |
transparent bsdf VERIFY |
velvet bsdf VERIFY |
camera depth of field camera VERIFY |
camera equiangular cubemap face camera VERIFY |
camera equirectangular camera VERIFY |
camera fisheye equidistant camera VERIFY |
camera fisheye equisolid camera VERIFY |
camera fisheye polynomial camera VERIFY |
camera mirror ball camera VERIFY |
camera ortho camera VERIFY |
both displacement displacement VERIFY |
bump glass displacement VERIFY |
bump glossy displacement VERIFY |
bump with displacement displacement VERIFY |
dicing camera displacement VERIFY |
offscreen dicing displacement VERIFY |
panorama dicing displacement VERIFY |
true displacement displacement VERIFY |
true displacement image displacement VERIFY |
true displacement scaled displacement VERIFY |
true displacement scaled shared displacement VERIFY |
vector displacement object displacement VERIFY |
vector displacement tangent displacement VERIFY |
grease pencil grease_pencil VERIFY |
hair basemesh intercept hair VERIFY |
hair close up hair VERIFY |
hair geom reflection hair VERIFY |
hair geom transmission hair VERIFY |
hair instancer uv hair VERIFY |
hair length info hair VERIFY |
hair particle random hair VERIFY |
hair reflection hair VERIFY |
hair ribbon close up hair VERIFY |
hair transmission hair VERIFY |
microfacet hair orientation hair VERIFY |
principled hair absorptioncoefficient hair VERIFY |
principled hair directcoloring hair VERIFY |
principled hair melaninconcentration hair VERIFY |
transparent shadow hair hair VERIFY |
transparent shadow hair blur hair VERIFY |
image alpha blend image_colorspace VERIFY |
image alpha blend osl image_colorspace VERIFY |
image alpha channel packed image_colorspace VERIFY |
image alpha channel packed osl image_colorspace VERIFY |
image alpha ignore image_colorspace VERIFY |
image alpha ignore osl image_colorspace VERIFY |
image log image_colorspace VERIFY |
image log osl image_colorspace VERIFY |
image non color image_colorspace VERIFY |
image non color osl image_colorspace VERIFY |
image byte1 image_data_types VERIFY |
image byte1 16bit image_data_types VERIFY |
image byte3 image_data_types VERIFY |
image byte3 16bit image_data_types VERIFY |
image byte4 image_data_types VERIFY |
image byte4 16bit image_data_types VERIFY |
image float3 image_data_types VERIFY |
image float4 image_data_types VERIFY |
image generated byte image_data_types VERIFY |
image generated float image_data_types VERIFY |
image half3 image_data_types VERIFY |
image half4 image_data_types VERIFY |
image missing image_data_types VERIFY |
image packed byte1 image_data_types VERIFY |
image packed byte1 16bit image_data_types VERIFY |
image packed byte3 image_data_types VERIFY |
image packed byte3 16bit image_data_types VERIFY |
image packed byte4 image_data_types VERIFY |
image packed byte4 16bit image_data_types VERIFY |
image packed float3 image_data_types VERIFY |
image packed float4 image_data_types VERIFY |
image packed half3 image_data_types VERIFY |
image packed half4 image_data_types VERIFY |
image mapping clip closest image_mapping VERIFY |
image mapping clip closest 1px image_mapping VERIFY |
image mapping clip closest 1px osl image_mapping VERIFY |
image mapping clip closest osl image_mapping VERIFY |
image mapping clip cubic image_mapping VERIFY |
image mapping clip cubic 1px image_mapping VERIFY |
image mapping clip cubic 1px osl image_mapping VERIFY |
image mapping clip cubic osl image_mapping VERIFY |
image mapping clip linear image_mapping VERIFY |
image mapping clip linear 1px image_mapping VERIFY |
image mapping clip linear 1px osl image_mapping VERIFY |
image mapping clip linear osl image_mapping VERIFY |
image mapping extend closest image_mapping VERIFY |
image mapping extend closest 1px image_mapping VERIFY |
image mapping extend closest 1px osl image_mapping VERIFY |
image mapping extend closest osl image_mapping VERIFY |
image mapping extend cubic image_mapping VERIFY |
image mapping extend cubic 1px image_mapping VERIFY |
image mapping extend cubic 1px osl image_mapping VERIFY |
image mapping extend cubic osl image_mapping VERIFY |
image mapping extend linear image_mapping VERIFY |
image mapping extend linear 1px image_mapping VERIFY |
image mapping extend linear 1px osl image_mapping VERIFY |
image mapping extend linear osl image_mapping VERIFY |
image mapping mirror closest image_mapping VERIFY |
image mapping mirror closest osl image_mapping VERIFY |
image mapping mirror cubic image_mapping VERIFY |
image mapping mirror cubic osl image_mapping VERIFY |
image mapping mirror linear image_mapping VERIFY |
image mapping mirror linear osl image_mapping VERIFY |
image mapping repeat closest image_mapping VERIFY |
image mapping repeat closest 1px image_mapping VERIFY |
image mapping repeat closest 1px osl image_mapping VERIFY |
image mapping repeat closest osl image_mapping VERIFY |
image mapping repeat cubic image_mapping VERIFY |
image mapping repeat cubic 1px image_mapping VERIFY |
image mapping repeat cubic 1px osl image_mapping VERIFY |
image mapping repeat cubic osl image_mapping VERIFY |
image mapping repeat linear image_mapping VERIFY |
image mapping repeat linear 1px image_mapping VERIFY |
image mapping repeat linear 1px osl image_mapping VERIFY |
image mapping repeat linear osl image_mapping VERIFY |
image mapping udim image_mapping VERIFY |
image mapping udim packed image_mapping VERIFY |
image mapping uvtile osl image_mapping VERIFY |
image texture limit byte1 image_texture_limit VERIFY |
image texture limit byte1 16bit image_texture_limit VERIFY |
image texture limit byte3 image_texture_limit VERIFY |
image texture limit byte3 16bit image_texture_limit VERIFY |
image texture limit byte4 image_texture_limit VERIFY |
image texture limit byte4 16bit image_texture_limit VERIFY |
image texture limit float3 image_texture_limit VERIFY |
image texture limit float4 image_texture_limit VERIFY |
image texture limit generated byte image_texture_limit VERIFY |
image texture limit generated float image_texture_limit VERIFY |
image texture limit half3 image_texture_limit VERIFY |
image texture limit half4 image_texture_limit VERIFY |
image texture limit packed byte1 image_texture_limit VERIFY |
image texture limit packed byte1 16bit image_texture_limit VERIFY |
image texture limit packed byte3 image_texture_limit VERIFY |
image texture limit packed byte3 16bit image_texture_limit VERIFY |
image texture limit packed byte4 image_texture_limit VERIFY |
image texture limit packed byte4 16bit image_texture_limit VERIFY |
image texture limit packed float3 image_texture_limit VERIFY |
image texture limit packed float4 image_texture_limit VERIFY |
image texture limit packed half3 image_texture_limit VERIFY |
image texture limit packed half4 image_texture_limit VERIFY |
ao approximate integrator VERIFY |
clamp both integrator VERIFY |
clamp direct integrator VERIFY |
clamp indirect integrator VERIFY |
resumable render integrator VERIFY |
shadow all max bounces integrator VERIFY |
transparent shadow integrator VERIFY |
underwater caustics integrator VERIFY |
all light types light VERIFY |
area light uv light VERIFY |
ies light light VERIFY |
light texture light VERIFY |
lights below surface light VERIFY |
mesh light backface light VERIFY |
multiple area lights light VERIFY |
portal light VERIFY |
spot light adaptive split light VERIFY |
translucent inside outside light VERIFY |
varying brightness light VERIFY |
autosmooth custom normals mesh VERIFY |
autosmooth simple mesh VERIFY |
autosmooth subdmesh catmull mesh VERIFY |
autosmooth subdmesh linear mesh VERIFY |
bvh8 close proximity visibility mesh VERIFY |
culling mesh VERIFY |
curve modifier mesh VERIFY |
edit mode mesh VERIFY |
normal types mesh VERIFY |
normal types motion mesh VERIFY |
pointiness mesh VERIFY |
pointiness autosplit mesh VERIFY |
pointiness split faces mesh VERIFY |
shadow terminator mesh VERIFY |
shadow terminator metal mesh VERIFY |
tangent missing uv mesh VERIFY |
tangent no uv mesh VERIFY |
tangent render uv mesh VERIFY |
tangent specific uv other mesh VERIFY |
tangent specific uv render mesh VERIFY |
tangent triangles mesh VERIFY |
texture space bezier mesh VERIFY |
texture space bezier auto mesh VERIFY |
texture space font mesh VERIFY |
texture space font auto mesh VERIFY |
texture space mesh modifier mesh VERIFY |
texture space nurbs mesh VERIFY |
texture space nurbs auto mesh VERIFY |
visibility instances mesh VERIFY |
visibility particles mesh VERIFY |
watertight mesh VERIFY |
watertight orig mesh VERIFY |
bvh steps curve segments 0 motion_blur VERIFY |
bvh steps curve segments 3 motion_blur VERIFY |
bvh steps line segments 0 motion_blur VERIFY |
bvh steps line segments 3 motion_blur VERIFY |
camera zoom blur perspective motion_blur VERIFY |
curve motion blur motion_blur VERIFY |
fluid motion blur motion_blur VERIFY |
fluid motion blur disabled motion_blur VERIFY |
mblur deform autosmooth motion_blur VERIFY |
mblur deform simple motion_blur VERIFY |
multi step motion blur motion_blur VERIFY |
scale motion blur motion_blur VERIFY |
shutter curve default motion_blur VERIFY |
shutter curve triangle motion_blur VERIFY |
shutter moving camera center motion_blur VERIFY |
shutter moving camera end motion_blur VERIFY |
shutter moving camera start motion_blur VERIFY |
shutter moving object center motion_blur VERIFY |
shutter moving object end motion_blur VERIFY |
shutter moving object start motion_blur VERIFY |
openvdb smoke openvdb VERIFY |
principled coat principled VERIFY |
principled default principled VERIFY |
principled emission principled VERIFY |
principled emission alpha principled VERIFY |
principled metallic principled VERIFY |
principled sheen principled VERIFY |
principled specular principled VERIFY |
principled subsurface principled VERIFY |
principled transmission principled VERIFY |
freestyle render_layer VERIFY |
freestyle stroke material render_layer VERIFY |
rlayer flags 01 render_layer VERIFY |
rlayer flags 02 render_layer VERIFY |
rlayer flags 03 render_layer VERIFY |
rlayer flags 04 render_layer VERIFY |
ambient occlusion shader VERIFY |
ambient occlusion only local shader VERIFY |
attribute uniform shader VERIFY |
attribute view layer shader VERIFY |
bevel shader VERIFY |
bevel mblur shader VERIFY |
blackbody shader VERIFY |
constant fold shader VERIFY |
custom normal map shader VERIFY |
diffuse normal map shader VERIFY |
emission shader VERIFY |
float math shader VERIFY |
glossy normal map shader VERIFY |
holdout shader VERIFY |
node group color shader VERIFY |
node group float shader VERIFY |
node group vector shader VERIFY |
rgb curves input 0.5 shader VERIFY |
rgb curves input 1.2 shader VERIFY |
rgb curves input 2.0 extrapolate shader VERIFY |
rgb curves input neg 0.5 shader VERIFY |
rgb curves input neg 1.2 shader VERIFY |
rgb curves input neg 2.0 extrapolate shader VERIFY |
tex voronoi shader VERIFY |
vector math shader VERIFY |
sss concave clamp sss VERIFY |
sss diffuse mix clamp sss VERIFY |
sss hair sss VERIFY |
sss reflection clamp sss VERIFY |
subsurface base color mix sss VERIFY |
subsurface behind glass sss VERIFY |
subsurface behind glass branched sss VERIFY |
subsurface burley sss VERIFY |
subsurface cubic sss VERIFY |
subsurface gaussian sss VERIFY |
subsurface mix sss VERIFY |
subsurface random walk sss VERIFY |
subsurface random walk thin sss VERIFY |
subsurface small radius sss VERIFY |
camera in volume nested volume VERIFY |
fire volume VERIFY |
point density particle object volume VERIFY |
point density particle world volume VERIFY |
point density vertices object volume VERIFY |
point density vertices world volume VERIFY |
principled absorption volume VERIFY |
principled blackbody volume VERIFY |
principled bsdf interior volume VERIFY |
principled smoke volume VERIFY |
smoke volume VERIFY |
smoke color volume VERIFY |
smoke fire volume VERIFY |
volume absobtion volume VERIFY |
volume deep stack volume VERIFY |
volume edge fireflies volume VERIFY |
volume output absorption volume VERIFY |
volume output mix volume volume VERIFY |
volume output scatter volume VERIFY |
volume output surface volume VERIFY |
volume overlap volume VERIFY |
volume scatter volume VERIFY |
volume scatter albedo volume VERIFY |
volume step offset volume VERIFY |
volume transparent shadow volume VERIFY |
world volume volume VERIFY |
compare bump displacement |
area light light |
distant light light |
ellipse light spread light |
instanced mesh lights light |
light spread light |
light tree multi distant light |
mesh light light |
multiple lights in volume light |
multiple mesh lights light |
point light light |
sphere light light |
spot light light |
attribute default color mesh |
point info pointcloud |
points pointcloud |
points emission pointcloud |
points motion pointcloud |
points transparent pointcloud |
points volume pointcloud |
aov position render_layer |
render passes ao render_layer |
render passes aov color render_layer |
render passes aov value render_layer |
render passes cryptomatte asset render_layer |
render passes cryptomatte material render_layer |
render passes cryptomatte object render_layer |
render passes diffuse color render_layer |
render passes diffuse direct render_layer |
render passes diffuse indirect render_layer |
render passes emission render_layer |
render passes environment render_layer |
render passes mist render_layer |
render passes normal render_layer |
render passes shadow render_layer |
render passes specular color render_layer |
render passes specular direct render_layer |
render passes specular indirect render_layer |
shadow catcher ao pass render_layer |
camera in volume camera and volume volume |
camera in volume camera only volume |
camera in volume simple volume |